American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Certification

The American Board of Pediatric Dentistry was organized by the American Society of Dentistry for Children in 1940. It is the only ADA-recognized certifying board for the specialty of pediatric dentistry.
The vision of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry is to achieve excellence in pediatric dentistry through certification of all pediatric dentists.
Pediatric dentists that are certified by the ABPD have met the standard of excellence set forth in providing high quality oral health care for infants, children, adolescents, and patients with special healthcare needs. When a pediatric dentist becomes certified, he or she has successfully completed accredited training and a voluntary examination process designed to continually validate the knowledge, skills, and experience required to deliver the highest quality of patient care.
Certification also reflects a dentist’s commitment to lifelong learning and continuing education. ABPD-certified dentists have a desire to practice pediatric dentistry at the highest level and are dedicated to constantly reevaluating their practice in light of the most recent scientific evidence.

This facility has proven its commitment to optimal patient safety and standardization of care by achieving accreditation from the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF).
Patients: As a patient, you can feel confident that this facility has demonstrated that safety is the top priority. Facility staff at all levels are appropriately trained, certified, and practice within the confines of their specialty. The facility equipment and supplies are well maintained, up to date, and properly stored to ensure safe use. Staff also participate in regular training and drills to prepare for natural disasters and human-impacted emergencies and ensure readiness to act to keep you safe in the unlikely event of such emergencies. If you are being referred to this facility by another practitioner, take heart in knowing that your care provider is looking out for your safety, even when they are not providing your care.
Referring Physicians: As a referring physician, you can feel confident that your patient will receive the highest standard of care. AAAASF requires 100% compliance with all standards which means that the staff has submitted evidence of correcting even the most isolated instances of not complying with requirements. Additionally, this facility has demonstrated that all practitioners meet the certification requirements of their respective specialty boards and practice only within the scope of their specialty training and that all therapists, nurses, physician assistants, technicians, and support staff receive appropriate and ongoing training for their duties. The staff has also participated in routine training and drills to reduce the likelihood of and manage naturally occurring and human-impacted emergencies.
Since its founding in 1980, AAAASF has pursued its mission by setting the highest standards for patient safety and standardization of care in outpatient centers worldwide. AAAASF requires 100% compliance with all accreditation standards and does not offer partial accreditation. If a facility fails to meet any standard, it must correct the deficiency or risk denial or loss of accreditation. AAAASF facilitates patient safety by regularly updating its standards based on patient data and the latest medical literature and requiring facilities to continually self-assess and evolve.